Friday, April 18, 2008

Light Can Penetrate A Pillow

I want to share something I wrote in my prayer journal nearly a year ago. It is still ringing true for me fact maybe even more this week than any other.

My husband is a tree farmer and this is planting season. Each year he plants anywhere from 400,000 to 600,000 trees (He doesn't do this by himself, he has a crew of workers. However, his planting the trees is not the point.) In order for him to take advantage of optimum planting conditions he needs to start the planting at dawn. In order to do that, trees must be picked up from the storage unit and transported out to the woods. In order for all that to happen he needs to get up by 4:00am this time of year and 3:30am as the days get longer.

It's still dark then (in case you were wondering) and he needs to turn on a light so he can see to get ready. So it doesnt' bother me too much I generally put a pillow over my head (yes, I leave an air passage). The amazing thing is that light still penetrates the pillow. I should mention that I have tested this out by sort of pressing the pillow down (not hard, I still gotta breath) to try and block the light out. I should also mention the light isn't an overhead light, it's indirect light coming from the bathroom. It still penetrates my pillow.

Jesus is the light of the world. He can penetrate any darkness. This morning He showed me that with a pillow over my head. We live in a spiritually dark world, and some areas are darker than others. But Jesus can penetrate that darkness. So let your light shine! Even if there is a pillow over someone's heart and mind some light will shine through.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16

As I re-read this journal entry today and then read the encouraging comments I received this week here on my blog after a rather...well not nice one, I realized that no matter what, I need to keep shining the light of Jesus.


Anonymous said...


What a great reminder! Thank you. Are those really the words you wrote in your prayer journal (in blue)? WOW-what a cool prayer journal you must have!

I miss you. Hope you have a great weekend!

Shawna said...

Beautifully said my friend. I'm praying tonight for some friends who are going through a really tough time...their heads seem to be so stuffed under that pillow that they must be suffocating for lack of truth! Thanks for the encouragement that nothing can block out the light!

Shirley Mary said...

Cyndy, thanks for visiting my blog. And you "just blessed my socks off" with your compliments. And, also, I'm soooo glad that you visited because I couldn't remember how I found YOUR blog and couldn't go back! Now I can! :)

I LOVE the tulips on your page. Absolutely beautiful!

I really enjoyed reading "Light Can Penetrate a Pillow" and how you expressed it all in your prayer journal.

Writing about the light made me think of a quote I heard:

All the darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.


Anonymous said...

That was a great reminder! Even today I was praying with someone for someone else to "see the Light"! Your words blessed my heart.