Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Where To Start

Heth over at From Under The Laundry Pile was mentioning that, when Spring finally bursts out in all its glory, she is hard pressed to stay inside and do inside house chores. I feel much the same way. The warm sun, the smell of rich, moist earth, are like a sirens song, strong and sweet, wooing me to them.

Yesterday I succumbed to that sweet song and began a project that I've been longing to get done since the day we moved into this house four years ago. The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cool. I even have a tan line arm on my arms. (Note to self: wear sleeveless blouse next time!)

I'm not going to go into too much detail about the project. Basically I've been wanting to reclaim a planting bed from the over grown lawn. It involves digging up sod that's been there for who knows how long, judging from my aching muscles I'd say it's been a. long. while. On the flip side though, the sod is great for my newly established compost pile!

Anyway!....I point about all of this is that, even though I was enjoying myself outdoors and getting a lot done, I kept thinking about things like laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, dinner, messy bedrooms and dusting. (Not dishes though! I've managed to keep up with the dishes!)

I also kept thinking about all the little projects I need to get done around the house this summer like, painting, reorganizing cupboards, shampooing carpets, reorganizing Daughter's room and preparing for next school year.

Then my thoughts turned to all the projects that need to done on the outside of the house. Painting, building a chicken coop (yep, we changed our minds about that), gardening, stacking wood, etc., etc., etc. I should mention that I do not have to do all this alone, but as keeper of the home I do feel it is my duty to keep things moving along.

Oh where to begin, where to begin, where to begin?

How do I get it all done?

Can I get it all done?

I hadn't really prayed about all this except to send up a quick prayer asking the Lord how I was going to get it all done.

Then this morning I read Heth's blog and was encouraged that I'm not the only one who faces such conundrums.

Finally, the Lord spoke directly and specifically in my morning Bible reading:

Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.

~Proverbs 24:27 (NIV)

That was pretty straight forward... and I was once again in awe of my Lord. He cares so deeply about every aspect of our lives. He cares that I need help in organizing my life and He is faithful to answer when I ask for help. I've probably read that passage more than once or twice in my life and thought nothing of it, but today it was specifically for me.



Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

~Isaiah 30:21 (NKJV)


Shawna said...

Wow..that verse is awesome! Specific for you, I'm sure. I'm right there with you. I love working outside, but I hate it when my mind keeps wandering back to the mess I left indoors. At our new place, there will be no shortage of things to do outside! My strategy might just be, pick up the house the night before, plan a simple breakfast, dress everyone, strap them down in fronot of the TV for half an hour while I clean up, and then go outside and LOCK the doors behind us till nap time! There is nothing worse than working away outside, only to have dirty little hands and feet sneak back into the house to make big messes!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

That's amazing! And the Isaiah verse is one of my life verses; it's printed on my Bible.

Mom said...

Dear Cyndy,

Your a beautiful woman, a devoted mother, and child of God. I pray for you that, "you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spirirtual wisdom and understanding, to lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

Lots of Love,