Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'b Hobe Wid A Code

Translation: I'm home with a cold. Mostly I just feel exhausted with it and my throat hurts A LOT but I'm not all that stuffed up.

But that's not why I'm writing.

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. - Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

We made a quick trip to visit my parents this week and as we were sitting at the dinner table Thursday evening, my husband giving thanks, I was overwhelmed with a profound thankfulness for all that I've been blessed with. In that moment I experienced a clarity that I haven't had for awhile. I knew in that moment that I have nothing on this earth to complain about, be depressed about or worry about. I have everything to be thankful for.

Here is my thankful list:

1. Parents who love Jesus Christ and showed me His love from an early age.

2. A husband who loves Jesus Christ, longs to tell others about Him every chance he gets, loves and provides abundantly for me and our children and desires to know Him more and better each day.

3. Two beautiful children. They have their quirks, but over all they are loving and obedient.

4. A roof over my head. A very nice roof with lovely insulated walls and a pleasant interior. Not to mention all the creature comforts stored under the roof.

5. A newer car that is dependable and mostly dent free and money enough to put gas in it. (It also has a six CD/MP3 player in it.)

6. The ability to stay home and teach my children. (Again, thankful for Husband.)

7. And most of all, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who loves me enough that He sacrificed Himself so that I can be with Him for all eternity, God my Father who sent His Only Son for that purpose and the Holy Spirit who daily walks with me and gives my those moments of clarity.

This is, of course, not an exhaustive list. But this is the basic list and probably the core list. Being thankful is important, I have soooo much in this world to be thankful for. When I start looking at my life from that perspective it's really hard to worry and complain.


Anonymous said...


I'm sorry you are sick. It is so miserable, isnt' it? You could try a shot of whiskey...gargle, not drink, like Fred does. :-D

That is so true-if we just focus on our blessings, we see how trivial it is to worry about things. He is our total provider. I have a lot to be thankful for, too!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Hobe you feel better sood. It's nice to read your thankful list. Sometimes it feels good just to put it down "on paper" as a concrete reminder.

Anonymous said...

Are you better?