Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pray For Me

Pray for me today, I'm doing my Thanksgiving shopping. For me that means a drive of an hour in order to get to the discount grocery store. We have a very expensive lovely store here in the town we live in but it's not so lovely on my grocery budget. So the kids and I are trooping off as soon as things thaw out a little. Brother is very excited because we are not only going to Target but we'll have lunch in the food court at the mall. (You must read into this access to video games.)

I am not so excited. I envision bumper to bumper shopping carts, missing ingredients and spending more money than I want to. (Also a battle of the "I wants"...go here to read some wonderful thoughts on this.)

On the up side, it's time with my kids. I like taking them out to lunch. I don't know why, but I do. We have fun watching people and commenting on their apparel, (or in the summer, lack thereof). There is also a treat from Starbuck's if I'm a good girl. (Hee, hee!)

I will also have a chance to go into a shoe store to hopefully find a pair of cute little ballet flats in my size. I have small feet, and they rarely have shoes I like in my size. Oh to be a size 7...sigh.

Anyway, if you think of it, pray for me today...


Gina said...

I too like to take my kids out to lunch. I can't remember the last time we all went to the mall though...probably last Christmas! Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to schedule a day to do just that in the next couple weeks.

Hope you had a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Consider yourself on my prayer list today! I know the challenges of shopping, especially with me not being a real "crowd" kind of person. Hang tough, enjoy the time with your kids, and keep looking forward to that Double-shot hot Latte! :) ~Sam

Anonymous said...

STARBUCKS? You should have told me. I would have ditched...I mean, had my kids stay with someone and could have been a stow-away in your car!

I know how stressful grocery shopping can be at this time, so I will pray that it all went well (I just saw your post at 5:25pm and you are probably home by now). Hang in there!